April 17th, 2017

I left your messages unopened. I saw them there filled with emotions that would twist my stomach, I left them there. When the second came all I saw was a mindless 'hey' but I couldn't bear to open it. I thought I never would so I deleted them, they sailed into the ether and I avoided more pain. I never understood your depression and now while battling mine I could not explain then...why I left them. I hurt too much anything as loaded as you could of sent me spiraling down again. And at last for a second I was feeling okay. I could not handle the why's or how's or it's not your faults, and I was too tired to lie and say I was doing good. I haven't been good in over a year. I wonder what followed your 'hey' I tried to find them maybe today...but like most things I made them sail away.