Winter phase in summer, rare but important when it does occur, its been 2 years since my last one, its significance is that of a solar eclipse. Held in high honor to god and humanity, those who can feel their phases, that is. The last time this occurred was when I was first on my own in the city, a time of change and new beginnings, meeting of new people, but also a lonely time. Even if you are surrounded by those you love. Stuck in a void - a glass world. You enter into a fog state nothing is really there and when something emerges from the fog you must be able to understand its importance, how did it find its way here, is it trustworthy. Even if it isn't you must learn from it, this thing is a guide; even terrible guides get you to where you need to be. Who was my guide before, they lead me to a sense of place and community. Its important to be aware though, one must be able to tell if a guide is good or bad. And as I sit here I think of nothing but you, why, I don't know, we are connected on another plain, for some reason I am your only savior, but how can I save one life when I don't know if mine is worth saving also, if the worlds at large why should I remain. You talk to me about my salvation but yet you don't know what I have done. But why are you so beautiful adorned in purple. Then I'm on the cusp of something good right now this - this is something. Something I cant figure out in 10 minutes - challenging me to think beyond and around. And right now all I can think about is, if I was running into your arms would you see what I see now.

I love you