Transcendence - Collaborative with Mairin Gwyn

Within any given community you will find various cultures; these different cultures are what make up a colorful and diverse community. Our aim as artists is to highlight the similarities between each member of our community, by using Sacred Geometry and primary and secondary colors, this piece addresses the fundamental qualities of our nature as humans on the Earth. Moving from the front of the piece the viewer sees the Flower of life, but looking through the front of the piece the audience will see the beginning - The Seed of Life. The side panels show the Seven Days of Creation; following the journey around to the back you will not be able to see The Flower of Life from the Seed's perspective. If you are a seed at the beginning of life, there is no knowing what you will become, but it is important to remember the seed. The gallery space creates a continuous growing cycle. In using Sacred Geometry, it references all cultures and religions; by recreating the traditional designs of stained glass, we use color and light to invoke a shared phenomenological experience for the viewer. By walking around the piece, colored light reflects upon on the viewers, shedding the same light on everyone, physically and figuratively - all experiencing the same moment of transcendence.

Installation in Farmville, NC : Wonderbox Gallery. 12'x 5' circular. Fall 2017